Remit Envelope

This six inch envelope makes donating to the campaign quick and convenient. It fits into a regular envelope, and can be handed out at house parties or other events. Finance laws require that campaigns record and report information about donors such as address, occupation and employer. The inside of the envelope has a form for the donor to fill out, which includes endorsing, volunteering and credit card payment.

Outside of Remit Inside of Remit
Outside of Remit Inside of Remit

There is an important distinction in the message conveyed on a remit envelope. You should NOT try to persuade someone to vote for you here. These envelopes are only directed to people who already support you. Use the space to convince such people to transition from voters to donors. I think the message should focus not on you, but on the donor's ability to sway an election.

According to a study by the Center for Responsive Politics, only 4 percent of people in the United States contribute money to national political campaigns. These are the people who control elections, as they determine who can afford to run for office. If progressives are to win, we must expand the ranks of the donors.

Outside of envelope Inside of envelope

While the design above is mine, Perrine Kelly did the one below. I based my work on examples from previous campaigns, and expanded on them. Perrine took mine and showed what a professional designer can do. Way to go, Perrine!

Note that all of these envelopes are printed on white paper. I'm showing them in shades of tan to make their shape easier to see.

Outside of envelope Inside of envelope