The Tobey Family

Family portrait

We had a family portrait painted when I was a kid. My father and mother, Raymond and Nancy, with my younger brother and sister, Dom and Christina, and me, seated.

Family Tree Grandpa Raymond Grandma Doris Papa Dom Chicken Mom Dad Me My brother Dom Wendy, Sister in law My sister Christina My nephew Oliver My niece Amelia My nephew Max

This is my immediate family tree. I hope to eventually have pages with photos of everybody, but that will take a while. In fact, my family adds new members faster than I can keep up.

So far, I've got 12 pages started. They are listed to the left, and you can click on some of the names in the trees.

Dad's side of the family Great Grandpa Charles Great Grandma Margaret Grandpa Raymond Grandma Doris Raymond (Dad) Nancy (Mom) Me Brother Dom Sister in law Wendy Nephew Oliver Niece Amelia Sister Christina Aunt Joanne Uncle Jerry Uncle Malcolm Sally Cousin John John's Heather John's Janet Cousin David David's Heather David's Jack

Above is my father's side of our extended family. Below is my mother's. I've highlighted myself in both.

Mom's side of the family Chicken Papa Dom Dad Mom Me Brother Dom Wendy, Sister in law Nephew Oliver Niece Amelia Sister Christina Aunt Suzanne Uncle Avan Aunt Trudy Uncle Leon

Tobey genealogy has been fairly well researched. We are descendants of Thomas Tobey, who sailed from Wales to Sandwich, MA shortly after the Mayflower in the early 1600's. Rufus Babcock Tobey published a book about us in 1905, and I have a photocopy of it. My great aunt Verrel also wrote a book about us, but it was lost when she died.

Descendants of Thomas Tobey
The Tobey Genealogy forum

There is plenty of interesting Tobey history: Nathaniel, Zaccheus and Zoeth Tobey served in the Revolutionary War. Elisha Tobey was a noted inspector of cavalry swords, muskets and pistols in the early 1800's. Several Tobeys served in the Civil War. Charles Tobey was governor of New Hampshire and a United States Senator during World War II. Mark Tobey was a famous abstract impressionist, Alton Tobey, a realist painter and Kenneth Tobey a famous movie actor.

Rufus's book